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Why do textiles need to be wet before testing

March 24, 2022

Before testing the relevant properties of textiles, it should be placed in a standard atmosphere for humidity conditioning, because the humidity in the atmosphere has a great impact on the physical and mechanical properties of textiles.


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Why do textiles need humidity testing?
Because the humidity in the atmosphere has a great influence on the physical and mechanical properties of textiles.
When the humidity is high, the moisture content of textiles increases, the quality increases, the size shrinks, becomes thicker and stiffer, and the strength and elongation will also change greatly.
Therefore, before testing the relevant properties of textiles, it should be placed in a standard atmosphere for humidity conditioning.

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HD-P306 Martindale Textile Abrasion Tester


Due to the hygroscopic and dehumidifying properties of textiles, the humidity control process of textiles is to bring the humidity of textiles into equilibrium with the humidity of the standard atmosphere.
In the process of humidity control, the equilibrium state can only be considered when the continuous weighing variation every 2h does not exceed 0.25%.


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HD-W810 Textile Breathability Tester


According to the standard GB/T 6529-2008 (replacing GB6529-1986), the standard atmosphere for testing is: the temperature in the temperate zone is 20°C and the relative humidity is 65%; the temperature in the tropical zone is 27°C and the relative humidity is 65% . The relative humidity of air refers to the percentage of the ratio of the actual water vapor pressure of the atmosphere to the saturated water vapor pressure at the same temperature.
The standard atmospheric pressure stipulated in my country is a standard atmospheric pressure (ie 101.3kPa or 760mmHg column).
Tests done in accordance with the above regulations are in compliance with the true rules